Busy Doctor Discovers Key To Success

When he isn’t saving lives or working out, Matt is the inspiration to his wife and young family. 

While others are sleeping, busy Matt makes time to train at S&P:

“Training at 6am has become a habit & it’s easier to create a new habit when you surround yourself with people that want the same thing. The biggest thing S&P has given me is consistency and structure… Oh and abs too.”

For busy people like Matt, where there aren’t enough hours in the day, Consistency and Structure (not abs) are KEY in getting the best results. 

When training alone, you can have the best intentions of packing your gear and hitting the gym after work. But, as easy as that sounds, it’s just as easy for your mind to win the brief battle that takes place at 5pm – ‘to train or not to train’…

However, when you have a supportive ‘Family’ of coaches and S&P members waiting for you, it becomes a little bit harder to ‘skip’ the gym.

The best thing?…it takes as little as 3 hours per week to get incredible results!

Confessions Of A Stockport Mum…

“I hadn’t done that much exercise and wasn’t sure if I could do it.” 

Clare had played tennis for a bit, she’d always run, but she never got back to the way that she looked before kids. She didn’t feel herself either. She was always looking around for some fitness thing that would suit her.

That was when the stars aligned and Clare found S&P through a Facebook ad 4 years ago. 

“Time is definitely a challenge for me. I have 3 children and a husband, I work full time and I’m studying a course alongside that. All of these areas require my time, but you have to prioritise. Sometimes I don’t get it right, but it’s all about learning to juggle those priorities. If you want to do something, you can make it work.”

“I’d hate people to think that I’m not enjoying life and sitting eating boring food to get where I am today because that isn’t the case. I want to teach my children that everything is ok in moderation and be the one setting the right example.” 

If Clare’s story has inspired you and you want to learn more, visit www.spgyms.co.uk